As soon as you think about reusable shopping bags, the picture that flashes in your mind may be of those boring, badly shaped, solid colored bags with a logo of a company you never want to be associated with. Most of times, even if we believe in reusing bags while shopping does make a difference, we dont want to carry these bags that can be "socially embarassing" to say the least. This does not mean we dont care to reuse or make a difference. Given a choice, most of us would like to ban plastic from our shopping. In fact, using a reusable bag even makes it more convenient at times.

We all know the damage done to the environment by using more plastic bags. There is a lot of material available on internet with details of the harm done to mother earth by using plastic bags. I do not intend to list these issues since you are a concious consumer if you have read this article to this point. With intent being clear, the only thing stopping us from being more eco-friendly during our shopping trips is the lack of a fashionable & chic alternative to plastic bags. We, at Terra Trendz, try to address exactly issues like these. We strongly believe that if an acceptable alternative is available to us, we will be more than happy to adopt it and contribute towards stopping the damage being done to the nature. Moreover, if the reusable shopping bags are chic & fashionable, the motivation is even more.

For example, take a look at this chic
Mikado Mint bag by Envirosax. Its not only hip & fashionable, but even eco-friendly. Moreover, this bag can be used for your trips to grocery stores, malls, picnics.. you name it. At Terra Trendz. we carefully select our products so that they are strong, eco-friendly and most importantly attractive & cool. Its very hard to imagine a consumer adopting eco-friendly lifestyle if the available alternative is ugly and/or expensive. We have a whole collection of eco-friendly shopping
Envirosax Bags that are chic & hip.
There is another secret I would like to share with you since you read this far...We have a special offer of buy one get one bag free using coupon code "FREENVX". Combine this offer with free shipping over $25 and you can't help but think -- ITS A STEAL!! :)
Happy Shopping --- using Envirosax bags !!
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